CODAC Management Manual

9. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need at work 10. Contact the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

“Recognizing that you're on the road to burnout—or that you're already there—can provide the space, energy, and clarity that's essential for figuring out your needs. Failure to address burnout can lead to significant consequences or “quiet quitting” which involves withdrawing or disengaging with your workplace” (Clay, 2022, para 6). EIGHT DIMENSIONS OF WELLNESS (SELF CARE)

SAMHSA’s Eight Dimensions of Wellness is typically referenced when discussing the relationship between substance use and recovery. However, by reviewing the Eight Dimensions, one can identify whether a balance exists in your life. Having balance in your life can increase your happiness, wellness, sense of purpose. By understanding and reviewing how the Eight Dimensions are applied in your life, you will find a greater sense of purpose, mental health, and thus, be less likely to encounter burnout. The descriptions of the 8 Dimensions below, has been obtained from All Points North, a wholistic treatment program ( Following review of these dimensions, take some time to review how you personally address each of these areas in your life. By reviewing each area, you may confirm all the wonderful things you are doing for yourself at this time or decide that there are areas you would like to strengthen. 1. PHYSICAL WELLNESS Physical wellness includes, of course, physical health, but it’s so much more than that. At a baseline, physical wellness refers to being free of illness and dependency on substances. It also includes:

• Eating a healthy, balanced diet • Getting enough sleep • Engaging in physical movement or regular exercise • Practicing personal hygiene • Engaging in safe sex • Responding proactively when health issues arise

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