CODAC Management Manual
will be doing to further manage the clinical objective declared in the NEED. This part answers the question “who is going to do what in the near future regarding the clinical objective?” Reference: NIRP Summary GROUP FACILITATION Groups provide support to the member by hearing from others with similar issues and concerns. Members recognize that they are not alone and can learn how others have overcome similar situations. By attending groups, members can learn new skills and coping strategies from a facilitator as well as from other participants. Members can receive important feedback from others. When attending regularly, groups provide support and a sense community. Secondary skills such as punctuality, keeping a schedule, adhering to social cues, learning how to receive feedback, etc. can also be gained through regular group attendance. CODAC offers Recovery & Wellness Groups and Therapy Groups throughout the week, which cover a wide array of topics, education, and skill building. Most groups utilize evidence-based curriculum. Recovery and Wellness Groups are facilitated by Recovery Coaches and Peer Support Specialists. Therapy groups are facilitated by therapists licensed at the Associate or Independent Level of licensure. Group calendars are posted on the CODAC Intranet and are updated as changes occur. Most groups are offered virtually, some are available in person, and some are available “hybrid,” both virtually and in person. Please check with each site or group facilitator to find out if/how a member may attend group in person. A description of each group is provided with the group calendar. Calendars should not be distributed to members for the purpose of members popping in or selecting groups at random. Rather, topics of interest should be discussed with a member and group referrals should be based on medical necessity, with members referred to groups that will address their identified treatment goals related to their diagnosis and clinical needs. Upon identification of relevance to a member, and agreement by the member of a desire to attend a group, the referral source ( i.e.. BHMP, Therapist, RC or PSS) will update the steps in the members service plan if a relevant goal already exists. If one does not exist, the Annual Update (?) will need to be updated to address the newly identified need of the member. A new goal can then be added to the Individualized Service Plan (ISP), thus reflecting medical necessity and how the goal will be addressed (ie. attendance at group). Then, the referral source will send a referral/ notification to ZoomMeeting ( and the group facilitator listed on the group calendar. The group facilitator will add the member’s name to their group roster. ZoomMeeting will send the member a link to the group. Thus, it is essential that the member’s email address is confirmed with the member. Their email address can be found in their demographic section in Next Gen. The following format is to be used when sending a referral/ notification to ZoomMeeting. TO: [] CC: Group facilitator Subject line: Zoom Group Addition Request
Members Name: Members DOB:
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