CODAC Management Manual
We are working diligently to secure a replacement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or your supervisor. Sincerely, Name Director of _______________ Should you have any questions please contact me at extension 1013 or Michael Day, Employee Relations at extension 1751.” This email must be sent for all separations (voluntary and involuntary) within 24 hours of an employee’s separation. In addition, this template should not be changed/edited without approval from Chief Human Resources Officer. Should an employee approach you regarding the circumstances of their co-worker’s departure the response should be, “Due to an employee’s right to confidentiality CODAC cannot share or discuss employee separations”. However, follow the guidance above to lessen any concerns they may have about the future of their employment.
TECHNICAL SUPERVISOR RESPONSIBILITIES AFTER OFFBOARDING A DIRECT REPORT 1. Check PM (and Outlook) for upcoming appointments (reassign as needed) 2. Ensure that any future open intake appointments in PM are deleted 3. Reassign tasks (see instructions below) 4. Reassign caseload
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