Employee Handbook v.2024.docx

REPORTING/COMPLAINT MECHANISMS Any employee who believes that they have been harassed, bullied, discriminated against or subject to retaliation by a co-worker, supervisor, agent, client, vendor or customer of CODAC in violation of any CODAC policy, any law, or this Handbook, or who is aware of such harassment, discrimination of or retaliation against others, should immediately report the behavior(s). CODAC Compliance & Ethics Hotline: (800) 401-8004 www.lighthouse-services.com/codac In addition , any employee has the right to file their complaint/concern regarding discrimination with any of the following entities: OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS Office of Justice Programs U.S. Dept. of Justice 810 7th Street, NW Washington, DC 20531 In order to file with the federal Office for Civil Rights (OCR), two forms must be downloaded from the internet and submitted in writing to OCR. The forms can be found at https://www.ojp.gov/program/civil-rights/filing-civil-rights-complaint

ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY VOCA Administration, MD1335 Civil Rights Coordinator P.O. Box 6638 Phoenix, AZ 85005-6638 Email: VOCACivilRights@azdps.gov

EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION (EEOC) Arizona Office (mail or in-person) 3300 North Central Avenue Suite 690 Phoenix, AZ 85012-2504 Telephone: 1.800.669.4000 Public Portal: https://publicportal.eeoc.gov/Portal/Login.aspx

RETALIATION CODAC strictly prohibits retaliation against personnel for making a good-faith reports regarding ethics, compliance concerns, reporting concerns or inappropriate behavior, participating in an investigation, refusing to participate in inappropriate or wrongful activity and exercising rights protected by law.

Employee Handbook v. 06.2024

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