CODAC Management Manual
requirements are well under way or completed, depending on the new hire’s level of experience and familiarity with CODAC. • Competency Checklist(s) - Upon hire and annually, supervisors to assess each their direct reports using a Relias-based Competency Skills Checklist. The competency checklist requires employees to initial each significant section of the form. It is important that supervisors allow employees to verbally explain their understanding of each section so that the supervisor is confident that employees understaff how to complete this significant day to day clinical functions • Clinical Supervision - All non-Behavioral Health Professional (BHP) level clinical employees are required by AHCCCS to obtain a minimum of one clinical supervision twice a month (at 1-14 days and 15-30 days). Non-BHP personnel may obtain clinical supervision at their worksite, through agency wide trainings, or through attendance at a different site’s offerings (calendars emailed monthly). • Monthly Training(s) - CODAC offers monthly training such as Medical Integration training (integrated care focus), and CODAC/TPD Training (addiction and recovery focus). Employees are expected to progressively orient themselves to their roles and demonstrate increasing effectiveness and efficiency with performance indicators, such as documentation and metrics, over the first year of employment. Directors and supervisors share responsibility and work collaboratively for new staff training; however, supervisors take on more of the day-to-day contact and real-time instruction involved in on-boarding new staff. Training continues to occur at personnel’s assigned sites through individual coaching sessions, ad hoc meetings, limited amount of shadowing experienced colleagues who produce quality work, scheduled group training and clinical supervision sessions. During individual and group meetings with new staff, site leadership continue to explain and reinforce CODAC values and expectations. There is focus on the integrated health and wellness philosophy and care model, documentation requirements, Relias assignments, Catalytic Coaching focus areas, and any other questions or concerns at hand. In addition, opportunities will arise that offer other periodic trainings, such as training in the facilitation of Stanford Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) or Mental Health First Aide. Staff are selected to attend based on interest, need and performance standing. Professional Development CODAC is committed to employee’s professional development and has established various policies and programs in support of employee’s educational goals. Policies to support professional development include: • Professional Leave - 40 hours of Professional Leave each year for staff attending pre-approved outside training or conferences related to their current role or licensure requirements. • Professional Development Rewards - to reward and recognize employees for their efforts in obtaining a degree, license and/or job-related certification while employed at CODAC. • Tuition Assistance - grants financial assistance to eligible staff for tuition expenses to obtain a degree (Associates, Bachelors, Masters, PhD and agency designated certifications) • Peer Support Certification – Eligible employees are offered peer support specialist certification training and is scheduled various times throughout a calendar year.
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