CODAC Management Manual


METRICS CODAC Health, Recovery and Wellness is a community, integrated health provider for adults and, their family/family of choice. Our integrated services are provided by a number of integrated health professionals across the organization, and are intended to increase member satisfaction, reduce health costs and increase positive health outcomes. With that said, our leadership team is responsible for ensuring our direct reports meet and/or exceed their assigned duties and responsibilities with the majority of those being directly influenced by agency- wide metrics. These include, but are not limited to, customer service, quality- service delivery and documentation, efficiency and effectiveness and professional development. Agency Wide Metrics: (Ways in which we track performance) A. Data Validation: 1. Error rate should be less than 10%. Monitored by review of two to three services notes per month. 2. Number of late service notes. Monitored through Crystal Reports. 3. Number of open encounters. Monitored through Crystal Reports (report name: Enc. Created wo/note) B. Professional Development 1. Training. Monitored through Relias transcript. 2. Catalytic Coaching. Monitored through completion of yellow & green sheets (staff); supervisor completes the blue sheet C. Customer Service 1. Professionalism. Monitored through required review of multiple agency policies (i.e., Code of Conduct) 2. Returning NextGen task messages. 3. Monitored through crystal report (name: TaskedCalls_Disposition). 4. D. Efficiency and Effectiveness 1. Billable vs non-billable encounters vs administrative time. Monitored through Crystal Reports 2. Revenue or billable units/hours. Monitored through staff productivity-metrics, Crystal Report in NextGen (include name of crystal report), and weekly upload in R/Clinical/Direct Service Reports. 3. Review of individual and team metrics and incentives. Monitored through Crystal Reports E. Other topics/areas to consider: 1. Employee shortage and Coverage • Remain diligent when reviewing and approving PTO to ensure employee/team coverage • Ensure all employees complete the Planned PTO checklist, found on the intranet. 2. Request and/or approval of over time (OT) • All overtime must be voluntary • Consider approving 1-5 hours weekly “IF” employees are meeting or exceeding their weekly/monthly adjusted metrics. • Adjusted metrics should not include OT hours within the final weekly/monthly calculation. 3. Consider the impact on self-care and/or job satisfaction • Typical OT approval is 1-5 hours weekly • Ensure employees are planning Personal Time Off consistently 4. Ensure employees are utilizing their Professional Leave • Ensure Professional Leave is requested and coded correctly in Paycom • Professional training and development leave usage: o Employees must enter their request/use in Paycom o Employees may use Professional Leave (PRL) in .25 increments

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