CODAC Management Manual


There are several reports within NextGen that supervisors may find beneficial for overseeing a team. See the Intranet summaries and how-tos. Behavioral Health Professional (BHP) Signatures: • General assessments completed by a credentialled and privileged Behavioral Health Technician (BHT) are required to be signed by a Behavioral Health Professional (BHP) within 72 hours. • Residential assessments, if it is completed by a credentialled and privileged BHT, must be reviewed and signed by a BHP within 24 hours. Using Clinical Inbox • Documents requiring supervisor review will be in your NextGen Clinical inbox

Supervisor Permissions to Unlock Notes: • After 7 days, incomplete encounters in NextGen will automatically lock, in order to unlock them, a supervisor will need to right click the encounter and open it manually. • Permissions will need to be obtained to complete this function. Telephone Tasking in NextGen NextGen calls may be tasked to staff within NextGen by clicking on the telephone icon in NextGen. Please review the How-to to track these assigned calls and assign them.

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