CODAC Management Manual
the-job training along with socialization and culture training so new hires can be effective, contributing team members. Employee Orientation: Employee orientation is the process of introducing new hires to their jobs, co-workers, responsibilities, and workplace. It allows employees the chance to feel comfortable within their new teams, departments, and roles within the company. Effective employee orientation answers any questions or concerns a new colleague may have, makes them aware of company policies and expectations, and eases them comfortably into their new positions. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993: The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) is the first federal law mandating employers to provide leaves of absence for childbirth or the care of seriously ill children or other family members. Qualifying circumstances that trigger the mandated leave include birth or adoption of a child, required care for a child, spouse, or parent having a serious health condition, or the employee’s own serious health condition. A serious health condition is defined as any physical or mental condition that requires inpatient care or continuing treatment by a health care provider. FMLA requires that employers allow eligible workers up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in any 12-month period for qualifying circumstances; however, only workers who have been employed by the employer for at least 12 months and have at least 1250 hours of service during that period are eligible for leave under the Act. (Contact or Refer to Human Resources immediately). Flexible Working Hours/Flexible Scheduling: Flexible working hours represent an arrangement between the employee and employer that provides the employer with some degree of discretion in terms of the hours that the employee will work. There are many different arrangements that can be worked out, based on the needs of the program, department, etc. Grievance: Grievance refers to the employee's dissatisfaction with company's work policy and conditions because of an alleged violation of law. They may or may not be justified and usually represent the gap between what the employee expects and receives from the company. A grievance has to be properly addressed because it lowers the motivation and performance of the employee and affects the work environment. (Contact Employee Relations) Gross Misconduct: Gross misconduct refers to an employee's negative behavior or action so serious that it calls for the employee's summary dismissal without the usual contractual obligations of a notice period. Often mistaken, summary dismissal does not mean immediate dismissal. It requires employers to follow certain dismissal procedures even if the employee was caught in action. New Hire Training Pay Code: This is used to designate hours spent in qualified new hire orientation training on an employee timecard. This code may only be used for newly hired CODAC staff during the new hire orientation process. Staff who take a new position that requires extensive training in new position may also use this code ONLY during the initial training phase. Staff who are training new hires through shadowing may not use this code. New Hire Training pay code should not exceed 40 hours. Non-Worked Hours : Hours paid but not worked by an employee. This consists of Paid Time Off, Paid Sick Leave, Professional Leave, Holiday Not Worked, Jury Duty or Closure. Open Door: is that workers are free to approach supervisors or management-level employees at any time to discuss work-related concerns, i.e. “my door is always open”.
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