Employee Handbook v.2024.docx
SOCIAL MEDIA CODAC recognizes that many employees engage in social media activity. For purposes of this handbook, social media activity includes all types of postings on the internet, including, but not limited to, postings on social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Tumblr; blogs and other on-line journals and diaries; bulletin boards and chat rooms; microblogging, such as Twitter; and postings of video or audio on media-sharing sites, such as YouTube or Flickr. Social media activity also includes permitting, or failing to remove, posts by others whenever the employee can control the content of posts, such as on a personal page or blog. Staff is expected to adhere to CODAC’s Code of Conduct and Policies and Procedures, including but not limited to policies with respect to nondiscrimination, anti-harassment or retaliation, confidentiality of members, and protection of confidential CODAC information apply to social media usage. This applies to: 1. Social media activity that relates in any way to CODAC’s business, employees, members, customers, vendors, or competitors or that identifies an employee's affiliation with the agency (other than as an incidental mention of place of employment in personal social media activity unrelated to the agency). 2. Social media activity when on or off duty, while using CODAC's or personal electronic resources, and whether or not the employee posts anonymously or using a pseudonym. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Employees must conduct themselves in such a way as to avoid actual or potential conflicts of interest. The following are examples of prohibited conflicts of interest in any aspect of their jobs: Acting as a director, officer, consultant, agent or employee of a supplier, customer, competitor or any entity that engages in business with the agency; Owning a material interest in or being a creditor of or having other financial interest in a supplier, customer, competitor or any entity that engages in business with the agency; Receiving from or giving to any supplier, customer or competitor gifts, gratuities, special allowances, discounts or other advantages not generally available to employees of the agency; Having any significant direct or indirect personal interest in a business transaction involving the agency; Conducting outside activities that materially detract from or interfere with the full and timely performance of an employee's services for CODAC; or Influencing commercial transactions involving purchases, contracts or leases in a way that would have a negative impact on CODAC or its business. If an employee finds that he or she has, or is considering the assumption of, a financial interest or outside employment relationship that might involve a conflict of interest, or if the employee is in doubt concerning the proper application of this policy, he or she should promptly discuss the matter with Human Resources and refrain from exercising responsibility on CODAC’s behalf in any manner that might reasonably be considered to be affected by any adverse interest. Failure to disclose the fact of a conflict or potential conflict may constitute grounds for disciplinary action. This policy in no way prohibits employee affiliations or activities communications that are protected under applicable state and federal laws, including but not limited to any activity that is protected under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, which includes the right of employees to organize collectively and to speak with others about their terms and conditions of employment.
Employee Handbook v. 06.2024
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